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Employment information
Front Desk Clerk Cleaning staff for managed properties and resort facilities (part-time)

*Cleaning staff for managed properties and resort facilities (part-time)

Job type Cleaning staff for managed properties and resort facilities (part-time)
Work location 株式会社イーホライズン沖縄
Working hours 9:00-18:00
Salary Hourly wage 1,000 yen
It is possible to work shorter hours, such as 3 hours, for at least one day a week between 9:00 and 18:00.
*Please contact us regarding available days and hours of work. (Available to work as a dependent)
Required qualifications 3Ordinary car driving license (AT limited)
Job description General cleaning work for hotels and other accommodation facilities on Sesoko Island
・Cleaning guest rooms and common areas of facilities and managed properties
・Bed making and replenishment of amenities, etc.
Application conditions Healthy people over 18 years old, regardless of gender
Remarks ・Guest room cleaning is basically a two-person job, so you can work while supporting each other!
・We welcome people who can create a better environment by constantly proposing ideas to make customers happy while working.
Application method Please specify your desired position and send your resume with a photo.
(Mailing address)
札幌市中央区北6条西25丁目2-5 イーホライズン北円山ビル2F
株式会社イーホライズン 採用担当者宛
Homepage 株式会社イーホライズン沖縄